From the 1996 edition of The Muse: True Love

From the 1996 edition of The Muse: True Love
Photo by Maarten Verstraete / Unsplash

When I look up at the stars

I remember the time we

held each other’s hand.

The night was dark

with a bit of a chill.

As we walked throughout the night,

I grew closer to you. 

Not a change was there to be,

for I am in love with you,

As you are in love with me.

I often wonder;

how true love can be. 

For I am in love with you,

as you are in love with me. 

Love can be a funny thing inside, 

and as you can see our love;

when I look at you,

I know it was meant to be. 

We shared special times, 

as we still do. 

If we only lived closer,

then it would be easier to see. 

But, maybe it’s best this way. 

For true love grows stronger,

further away. 

I often wonder;

How true love can. 

For I am in love with you,

as you are in love with me. 

Love can be a funny thing, 

and as you can see out love, 

when I look at you,

I know it was meant to be.

The hugs we share are special to me, 

for each one brings back a memory. 

Like the time we walked along the water, 

and saw our reflection. 

We looked like a couple should be. 

I looked into your eyes, 

and you gave me a smile. 

This is not true anymore, 

we have grown apart. 

I’ll cherish the moments we’ve had together, 

and I’ll hold you in my heart. 

I often wonder;

how true love can be. 

For I am in love with you, 

as you are in love with me. 

Love can be a funny thing inside, 

and as you can see our love, 

When I look at you,

I know it was meant to be. 

Sarah Schreiber